Senate Panel Seeks Documents in Biden-Ukraine Investigation… Mutt Romney Grudgingly Agrees.

@Senator”Mutt” Romney “I think people are tired of these political investigations and would hope that if there is something that needs to be evaluated it would be done by perhaps the FBI or some other agency that perhaps is not as political as a committee of our body.”

Romney votes to impeach Trump but doesn’t want to subpoena evidence for investigation into Burisma. Wants to cover his own wrong doings.

Wrong again Mutt. The people are tired of bogus and fake investigations and sham impeachment trials like the one you supported and voted for to try to impeach Donald Trump. You want us to believe in and rely on the “Deep State” FBI to do the investigation? Yea, ok pinhead.

“Sen. Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle,” Romney spokeswoman Liz Johnson said in a written statement.”

You want a closed hearing because you’re up to your neck with your own involvement with Burisma and don’t want people to know how corrupt you really are. In fact, you wouldn’t vote to have the subpoena unless it was in a closed setting. Another RINO slithering snake that needs to go away. By the looks of things in Utah, it looks like their people have had enough of you as well. Go back to the private sector. You’re certainly worthless as anybody to trust to do… well just about anything.

Meanwhile, committee Chairman Ron Johnson wants the investigation to go ahead and subpoena Blue Star Strategies’ former consultant Andrii Telizhenko but leaves the door open to not really doing anything at all.

“I’ve said repeatedly if there’s wrongdoing, the American people need to understand that,” Johnson said. “If there is no wrongdoing, or if it’s not significant, the American people need to understand that.”

That’s politispeak for saying only they will determine what is significant which they will determine to be nothing just like with #Hitlary’s lost emails, her private email server that was hacked, and all the others that have not faced any prison time. I appluad your efforts Johnson but just like all the past investigations with mountains of evidence of corruption and treason, nothing will get done… again.

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